CEOs Discuss How to Build a Successful Service Business

Adrian Granzella Larssen of Society
Specialize in work that’s important and meaningful to you: People always talk about finding your niche, but I know first-hand that that can feel limiting. Instead, I think it can be more helpful to start by understanding your anti-niche —...

Chris Federspiel of Blackthorn
When you talk, people listen, but sometimes it is better to listen while others talk. It’s hard for me to shut up, but when I speak, others don’t get to shine. I’ve had to force myself to leave meetings or...

Charlie Warren of Convex
Think probabilistically. Expected value is a powerful way to think through hard decisions and prioritize how to move forward.

Loren Bendele Of Arryved
Your customers are diverse. If you don’t have a diverse team you will miss out on great ideas because you won’t understand your full customer base.

Matthew Kearney of Leading Response
Lastly is data, and not just data for the sake of it, but information that can be curated, scrubbed and analyzed to help make informed decisions. You have to make so many decisions these days; you can’t afford to make...

Alexandra Lefakinis Of Valef Yachts
Know who your competitors are and what makes your service different and uniquely yours — you must know how you are different and how you can stand out above the rest. What are your advantages.

Mickey Fain Of Stoneside Blinds & Shades
Learn to say no. As you grow, you will have many tempting opportunities, and many of these will not align with your core purpose and strategy. When you are short on cash and scrambling to succeed, it’s hard to say...

Roger Darnell of The Darnell Works Agency
Finally, regardless of where your company is in its life cycle, the dedication to professional communications — attuned to the needs of all the right target audiences — is a standard requirement for success.

Mark Vivian of Claremont
The most important thing for a CEO to consider when creating a successful business is the people. Whilst technical skills are essential in our business, having the right mindset and approach is crucial. If we give our employees freedom to...

Daniel Smith of Asbury Electric
Serve your people so that they will want to serve you back — I’ve had instances of my team members telling me things I said I would do that I completely do not remember saying. Instead of arguing or asserting...

Rand Sperry of SperryCGA
…To have a successful business, you really need a platform. That means having a good set of policies, procedures, and training as well as many other tools and resources in order to be successful in that business.

Laura Hurubaru of From Scratch to Cash FAST University
Be patient with yourself. It takes 7 months to deliver a baby and then around 7 years to start seeing them as little adults. Pretty much the same with your business… You won’t see results in the first months, and...

Sarah Bones
Add the personal touch to client interactions. I have a great relationship with my regular clients and I think part of the reason for this is because I’ve always nurtured those relationships and often gone the extra mile for them....

Mbiyimoh Ghogomu of Tradeblock
Staying laser-focused on the people you serve. Our approach to the product and our business more generally is rooted in design thinking, which is about truly understanding the needs and pain points of the people who use your product or...

Andrew Clifton of Advise Insurance
When I moved to work in health insurance after consulting, I had the attitude that if you want something done well, do it yourself. However, as I became accountable for more functions, I came to realize that I was accepting...

Tamara Smith of UPKEEP Med Spa
Know your numbers, and how everything affects them. Try different things within your business with the idea that you are going to look at how it affects your P&L. Manage your hours, manage your inventory, manage and know about every...

Ashlee Berghoff of A Squared Online
I am on a mission to redefine what systems are, why they matter, and how we can use them. I want entrepreneurs to experience true freedom and bring their own visions to life. That mission inspired my first book, Eureka...

Ron Holt of Two Maids & A Mop
Keep your operations people-focused. We are a very people focused brand because we want to be able to attract and retain customers and do the same with our employees. Just because it is a serviced-based brand doesn’t mean it shouldn’t...

Maxim Azarov of Novakid
We launched the initial version of Novakid within five months after the start of the project. It was crude, a lot of things were done manually, but it validated the product-market fit and set us on a high-growth trajectory.

Rhea Freeman of Small & Supercharged Podcast
Become dedicated to becoming an expert… and know this will take time. There are a growing number of overnight experts who have just started on a career path and are now coaching others- and I simply don’t buy it. It...

Dr. Julian Harris of ConcertoCare
It’s really simple. Put the patients first. I have been very fortunate in my career to have been in clinical roles where I had the opportunity to take care of patients, to be in finance roles where I had to...

Kate DeWald of Oncue
Assume the best of intentions. Always assume that your customers or employees have positive intent behind their questions or decisions. This will help improve communication and build better relationships.

Brandon Stewart of Starboard Investments
It can be very challenging to coach employees to be customer focused. The people are truly the most important part of our business. If you’re not interested in building up others, especially your employees, you have no business in working...

Zachary Kirstein of 4G Recycling
Be Nimble: World events and market changes are always in flux, and to run a successful service-based business, you should be flexible and willing to adapt your business to meet the needs of the current environment. Responding quickly can help...

David Ciccarelli of
Develop a brand. You can change these over time, but start with the story you’re going to tell over and over. You can create this long history if you get the right name from the beginning. We actually started as...

Taylor Lou Dixon
Build your support team — I can’t emphasize this enough, YOU CANNOT DO THIS ALONE. It will take a village if you have big dreams and goals like mine. You’re going to need a mentor to show you the ropes...

Rachel K. Cross of Rachel K Group
A healthy mindset. In 2018, my business experienced a four-month slump after a big project got canceled. I only had a few small projects and had to rely on savings to pay my monthly bills. But digging into a positive...

Asher Cohen of BUYAZRE
Transparency in all facets of the business for clients and employees alike. Giving back to the community and engaging with other businesses in the community. Follow up and follow through. If you say you’re going to do something, you do...

Neil Welsh of Silverback Strategies
Listen up. Make listening a priority. Soliciting constant feedback from clients makes them feel heard and gives you an opportunity to improve your service delivery. Listening to employees should also be a key part of your job. We send weekly...

Aprille Reed, Author
Sell to repeat customers. It is a lot cheaper to sell to repeat customers than to acquire new ones. It cost time and money to educate a cold audience about your business. Your people already know, love, and trust you....

Dr Benjamin Ritter of ‘Live for Yourself Consulting
Clients come first, but they better be your ideal clients. Know who you want to serve, who you would help for free if you could, and then only serve them. I remember a time in the beginning of my business...

Jake Warner of Jake’s Property Services
Set up your company legally. Set up all of the legal paperwork you need for your business — workers compensation, insurance — follow all of your state’s guidelines. You can’t be prosperous while cheating the system.

Josh Allen of Companion Baking
“Show up and be nice. Simple stuff. Ask folks how they are doing. Give them some extra time and space to take care of family or childcare issues. Recognize that things that used to be easy (going grocery shopping, getting...

Jeff Landau of Team 805 Real Estate
Have a daily contact goal. Real estate is a contact sport. Unless your business is solely built by buying leads, which would be very expensive, you must speak to people, and listen. There is always a reason not to make...

Brian Bolten of NextUp Partners
Turn customers into your sales team. So much is spent on acquisition. But if you can create a depth of relationship with your existing customers, and turn them into advocates, then you now have an army ready to provide great...

Shannon Bain, Solopreneur
As service-based business owners, we give a lot of energy to our clients along with running a business, so it is important to have a set routine in place that supports our physical and mental wellbeing so you can serve...

Joe Delatte of Home Clean Heroes
Capturing info and bringing it back to the team so that you communicate. Systems and tools help us do this, but it’s very personal. You’re setting the team up for success when they go into the home to provide a...

Vasavi Kumar of ‘MIND Your Own Business’
Take full responsibility for every outcome. When you first start your business, and even if you’ve been many years in your business — YOU are responsible for how things operate. It’s easy to blame others for mishaps and challenges, and...

Linda Abraham of Accepted
I would start an “I Can Change” movement. We have worked with and spoken to so many applicants who overcame all kinds of difficulties on their way to achieving incredible success. I’d like people to realize that whatever life has...

Jen Brehm of LaserAway
Invest resources in the best talent and marketing — everything in a service based business stems from people. Invest in top level talent that fits your culture and vision. Create marketing that connects with your audience and builds a sense...

Rob Figliulo of SPR
Give your workers productivity tools and software. For a service-based business, your people, their expertise and their talents are your “products.” But in order for them to do their job well, they need to be able to collaborate with their...

Darlene Hawely of the Attract & Stand Out Podcast
The easiest way to create a strong connection with your dream clients and to grow your personal brand and business is to build a strong connection by sharing a story in everything that you do. Jerome Bruner recently said that...

Brooke Markevicius of Allobee
Delegate. Do this as soon as possible. You are not a superhuman, you cannot do it all and that is okay, you are not meant to. Delegate, empower, delegate, and repeat. In order for clients to be happy, you can’t...

Chelle Neff of Urban Betty
Owners should work on the business, not in business. In the first twelve years of owning my salon company, I was still doing hair. And it wasn’t by choice the last five years of that. I was burned out, exhausted,...

Stephynie Malik of SMALIK Enterprises
Use Your Touchpoints to Inspire Hearts and Engage Minds. Every interaction you have with your team members or clients is an opportunity to inspire hearts and engage minds. Each meeting, feedback session, call, text, email, or hallway encounter is an...

Wendy Barlin of About Profit
Focus on client profitability and not revenue. I spent the first few years in business working so hard to grow my revenue number. I used to think more clients and more revenue would naturally mean more profit for me to...

Chris Roth of National Technical Institute
Understand Your Competitive Advantage With so many similar service businesses in the market, you need to discover what makes your business unique. In my experience, most service-based business “borrow” their former employers set of advantages. Maybe it’s because you are...

Lisa Reed of Garden of Flavor
Develop a product or service that customers need or want — Juicers are often given as Christmas gifts and one of the most available products on Ebay after Christmas. Juicing is time consuming and messy, therefore customers enjoy the luxury...

Coral Darby of Darby Communications
Always innovate — There’s not a whole lot that changes within the service sector, so if you can figure out a way to deliver to your clients a little differently, that’s a huge differentiator for your business and will keep...

Rachel Ann Dine of Humanitas Counseling and Consulting
Provide excellent customer service. Create a policy within your organization of how soon you respond to client inquiries and stick to it. If you don’t currently have someone answering your phones and you’re still covering them, provide alternative ways customers...

David Kiersznowski of DEMDACO
Start the idea of “service” at home; begin by serving your own employees. I once read that the primary job of a leader was to create the conditions for success to occur. This means serving and equipping your colleague to...

Carl McManus of Comfort Keepers
Custom service is the future — At Comfort Keepers, we have always seen the value in providing individualized services and care plans. Today, consumers expect services and products that are catered to their needs. One-size-fits-all is a hard sell for...

Ryan Ayotte of Ohza
Make the transaction easy: It takes a ton of effort to get a customer in the door and ready to buy, so do what you can to make things seamless. Offer every payment option available, offer subscriptions or one click...

Melissa Perkins of Sweet Daddy Designs
Know what makes you unique. You’re probably in a very saturated market and in order to make a name for yourself, you’ll need to know what makes you different.

Ali Payani of LookinLA
Pivot every 3 months: you have to constantly design new strategies for your company and test them. My rule is that if the new strategy, plan or service that you proposed, worked in three months, continue that otherwise you have...

Bimal Shah of Rajparth Achievers
Standing out from the rest: No service business can succeed if you are not clearly showing as to how you are standing out from the rest. If you are just another service provider, you become a commodity where the only...

Rachel Apfel Glass of GLOSSLAB
Create your own happiness. Connect with your customers and employees often. Practice gratitude.

Phil Ahad of Toluna
We are focused on continuing to democratize research and deliver consumer behavior and sentiment in real-time. In an uncertain world, knowledge is power — and critical to success. Things are changing so quickly that if you are unable to get...

Mike Davis of 1–800-JUNKPRO
If you’re thinking about starting a business simply for the money — don’t. Be slow to hire and quick to fire — and treat the team members you keep like the gold they are. Listen to your customers and always,...

Kate Wallace of Kate Wallace Writing + Story Strategies
Prioritize Existing Clients: You know that old expression, “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”? I’m not calling my clients birds, but there’s a lot of truth to it. Research has found that it’s many times...

Jason Lohoff of Master Rooter
Have a reason to start your business. I want to make more money is not a reason. I personally saw other companies struggle in certain areas where I knew I would not make the same mistake, so I decided to...

Dr. Margaret Rogers Van Coop
Depending on the type of business, one must first know self and ones weaknesses. Those weaknesses can be turned into strengths. So ideally, we must fail before we realize what success means. Most millionaires have walked that pathway. But at...

Zach Boyette of Galactic Fed
Don’t be cheap when it comes to employee education and learning. We spend months on-boarding new hires to make sure they’re at the top of their game before throwing them in the deep end.

Stewart Vernon of America’s Swimming Pool Company
When you first start, go beyond the scope of the job to “wow” the customer. In my early days of business, when we were slow and only had a few customers, we would pressure wash their pool decks for free....

Erin Trafford of DIY Passion Media
Don’t get stuck on labels. Just because you can’t define what you do, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. I struggled for the longest time with what to call myself. Am I a business strategist? A content strategist? Again, start...

Franceska McCaughan of The Hotel Florist
Determine how you can add the most value to your industry. Often times we bench mark our success based on what our competition is doing. While competition is important (it shows that there is a demand for your product and...

Valerie Bihet of VIBE
I want to inspire people to build their own business. I want to give back to the community with all that I have learned from starting and growing my own brand and company. If I had someone when I started...

Stephan Fortier of GrapeStars
The most successful people I’ve met are not necessarily the biggest scholars or thinkers, but they are the biggest doers. They act first, and then readjust with more actions if need be. They don’t spend unnecessary time talking or thinking...

Mitch Chailland of Canal HR
Keep employee morale on the positive side. Your employees are the face of your company. When they feel good about your business, your customers will take note.

Ryan Combe of Steel Coated Floors
If I had to narrow it down to one I would go with a phrase I tell myself almost every day… “It isn’t the failed ventures that will keep you up at night, it’s passing on the hits.” I tell...

Pia Silva of Worstofall Design
Everything is a learning opportunity, so don’t be afraid to try things. There is only so much you can learn from watching and reading, in the end, you won’t know which strategies will work for your business unless you try...

Michael Welch of
Don’t let the stress cloud the enjoyment of building your business. It’s a cliché but for me, the most enjoyable phase is probably the most stressful one! So, take time to reflect and appreciate the progress you are making. The...

Jonathan Murrell, CMO of The Escape Game
Have empathy. It’s elementary but put yourself in the guests’ shoes and ask, “How would I want to be treated in this situation? How would I want to feel in this situation? What would I want someone to say to...

Matthew Schechner of Essential Advisory Services
Purpose is everything. It’s what gets you out of bed every morning. For us, it is about being able to cross spheres into zones where the industry isn’t headed yet and tearing down walls rather than building them up. You...

Eric Langshur of AVIA
We also believe in that old expression that culture eats strategy for lunch — every time! Accordingly, we make an out-sized investment in building culture and have myriad programs that drive it.

Ed Kane of Big Night Nightlife
Empower your employees — It is essential that every single employee feels a part of something greater. Something important. Something where they directly contribute to the success of the business.

Drew Uher of HomeLight
The single most important thing a new founder or CEO should know to create a successful business is that it’s all about team chemistry.

Andrea Norfolk of Shoreline Destinations
Grow smartly — If the right infrastructure isn’t in place to handle growth, it will lead to poor customer service. As mentioned, I’ve been strategic in growing this agency only to a certain point. I don’t need 50 agents. I...

Andre Gaccetta of G7 Entertainment Marketing
The first step is to concisely define your value proposition and develop a way to effectively communicate it. From there you’ve got to define your business culture and stick to it. Once you’ve articulated your vision and defined your business...

Dr. Shawn Dill and Dr. Lacey of The Specific Chiropractic Centers
Know your destination. Most service-based businesses think they are in the business of serving. But that may not be the case. In fact, you won’t be in business very long if you are just serving to serve.

Joey Pointer of Fleet Feet
It all starts with people. Many companies talk about being customer-obsessed. While I believe that is important, I believe that we should be employee obsessed. I have long believed that the customer comes second. How can we possibly ask our...

Todd Conklin of Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties
Clarity: As a leader, you need complete clarity, in high definition, of what you are trying to accomplish. Without it, you will struggle to tell your story and, not only will no one follow you, but you will fall prey...

Jay Reeder of VoiceNation
Assembling the Right Team: Regardless of how good an idea is, if the right people aren’t in place to implement, it won’t matter. Focus on surrounding yourself with the best team possible and everything else will fall into place.

Eric Einhorn of On Site Opera
Stay nimble and flexible. Each venue in which we perform requires a completely new approach to production and audience experience. If we were too rigid to adjust in the wake of the distressing camel calf (see above), On Site would...

Andrew Alfano of Retro Fitness
You need to surround yourself with a diverse slate of smart, talented leaders. Leaders who think differently than you and are willing to challenge and tell you the unvarnished truth. Your business will grow far faster if you surround yourself...

Andre Filip of ELA
Get your ego out of the way. Stay open and keep learning. You have to stay on the bleeding edge of what is current and adapt accordingly. You don’t always know it all, so don’t take it personally.

George Arison of Shift
Great talent still requires management — most great founders are terrible managers so get coaching on how to manage early.

Fred Hubler of Retainer-based Academy
Take time out, especially when you don’t think you can. My best ideas were when I wasn’t in the office. It’s almost counterintuitive, but the year was the best year we’ve had, and I didn’t even come into the office...

Colleen Werner of LulaFit
Don’t look for VC money to start or save you. Most of my pure technology-founder friends find it quite shocking that I waited 4.5 years to raise my first round of outside capital. I think when you’re building a product,...

Allan Wright of Zephyr Adventures
Stick to what you do best. We have expanded to new areas many times but most times we come right back to our core business.

Lynn Heublein of SkinSpirit
Happy staff is equal to happy clients. The services business is personal by nature — everyone loves being around people with lots of energy and positivity. It is so important to create a happy climate for your staff to thrive....

Laura Radosh Butt of LBR Insight
Don’t grow for growth’s sake. Use consultants for the busy times until you can justify and warrant the cost of a new team member. Rushing to add to your team will only lead to frustration and a lack of passion....

Vasco Borges of Beach Enclave Turks & Caicos
Team empowerment. If you hire the right talent and want them to make the decisions on the go, empowerment is key. It is a skill that, unfortunately, is not nurtured enough in hospitality. How many times have all of us...

Matt Hulett of Rosetta Stone
Take care of your employees first. If you take care of your team, then they will take care of your customers. Take care of your customers. Set a high bar for customer service, track it and reward your team for...

Amanda Daering of Newance
Never stop mastering your craft. The key to building a successful services business is that your company must be a better option than the three other choices your potential clients have: doing nothing, completing the work themselves and other service...

Alison Mountford of Ends+Stems
Talk to your customers first. I learned this early on from a friend and mentor. You aren’t your target market so don’t waste money building something you want until you know if people will pay you for your product.

Joel Thomas of Stratos Jet Charters
I truly believe that the best leaders are the ones who cast the clearest vision for their company. It takes clarity and repetition to make vision stick. At my company, we don’t just hand new hires a training manual with...

George Birrell of Taxhub
You must create a culture of impeccable client service from the beginning. It is important to do this from the get-go because, once this is established, it is naturally spread to all new employees and becomes almost effortless. Creating high...

Darrin Giglio of North American Investigations
Create Relationships: The more relationships you can build and network you grow, the more long-lasting your business will become. I have built a trusted network of Investigators, contacts and resources all over the world, which have immensely benefited my clients...

Wade Brannon of Pigtails & Crewcuts
It is imperative in a service organization to manage your customers’ expectations. In our business, we have wait times on busy days. We wish we didn’t but it is just a fact of life. Our customers tend to come in...

Peter Nieves of WINFertility
I too often learn of people that do not have the funds or benefits to cover the costs of fertility, adoption or surrogacy. With so many people in need I would love to find ways to raise money to help...

Freddie Laker of Chameleon Collective
People First. Be maniacal in your approach to recruiting. Insist on being part of the hiring process for every hire. Being smart and knowledgeable should not be enough to get in the door, insist on finding people that will be...

Eytan Bensoussan of NorthOne
Show hunger for what you do. Never stop reading and learning about your passion. Nike is a great example of a company with an insane hunger to be the absolute best. Show your competition every time that you’re the best...

Tim Spiegelglass of Spiegelglass Construction Company
Always take the high road. In a service-based business especially, you are your company. Do the right thing, even if it costs you in the short-term. We’ve seen the returns on this approach in the form of long-term relationships and...

Jonathan Maxim of K&J Growth Hackers
Your people are your profit engine. So you need to have backup and overflow team members in case you lose one to a competitor, or need to expand quick.

Jeff Brunken of MGIS
Give back in ways that reinforce the value proposition. We provide disability income replacement insurance to healthcare professionals nationally. We recently introduced a coverage option for paying off student loan debt in the event of disability. Student loan debt is...

Antonia Hock of The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
Be Highly Differentiated or Perish: I see a lot of leaders who think that their business is special simply because they run them. In services, you must be ruthlessly honest about your position in the market. Are you offering a...

Abby Sparks of Abby Sparks Jewelry
You must make risk a good friend. You have got to be OK with discomfort and risk if you’re going to have your own business. Because there is no path, there is no “right” way; there is only what you...

Zack Zalon of Super Hi-Fi
You can go wide, or you can go deep, but you can’t do both, so choose wisely. As a service business, you can choose to service a wide variety of industries, but you’ll have to offer a very narrow set...

Nico Hodel of Start It Up NYC
Under-promise and Over-deliver: Always provide additional perks and value outside of the contract you have in place with clients free of charge. As a service-based business, your clients should always be top-of-mind and any chance to provide additional value should...

Kim Kaupe of The Superfan Company
Sleep and Eat Well — Think of yourself as an athlete. If Tom Brady ate McDonalds and got little sleep do you think he’d be playing in the Super Bowl? Definitely not. Think of yourself that same way. You want...

Justin Goodbread of
Hire your opposite. No matter where you are in the business cycle, starting out, or a veteran of self-employment, you are continually trying to build a paradigm of personalities to balance out your entire organization. Use a behavioral profile test,...

Ryan McInnis of Picnic Tax
Be humble. If you’re not humble, you’re not going to be able to listen and be receptive to what customers want. You have to know that you aren’t always going to have the answers, and you have to be constantly...

Grant Aldrich of OnlineDegree
Stay Authentic. Authenticity is magnetic. So much of growing a business is getting real support and backing from not only customers, but partners, clients, media, and other people in the industry. If you’re authentic, your mission will resonate and transmit...